Friday, March 14, 2008

Options - Hopper



Defines the first and second hopper profiles.



Opening Line

Defines the first and second points for the opening line or seam. The points can be vertices, points, or one of each.


If you use points instead of vertices, each point must exist in its own sketch and be coincident with the corresponding edge.



Invert Fixed Side

Changes the direction in which the fixed side unfolds. The fixed side for unfolding is opposite the green arrow. You can also change the direction by picking the arrow in the Graphics window.


Invert Material Side

Changes the direction in which the material thickens. The red arrow indicates the direction of material thickening. You can also change the direction by picking the arrow in the Graphics window.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When creating the hopper, why can I pick one sketch but not the other?
    A:  Ensure all corresponding radii are coincident. If separate opening line end points were created, ensure they are both in their own sketch and coincident with the corresponding edge.

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