Tear Drop Creation
Path: Insert | Swept Walls | Tear Drop
Located in a flyout on the Sheet Metal toolbar.
Use this to ...
- Create a parametric tear drop feature on a planar face relative to an edge.
- You should be in the Sheet Metal Design workbench.
- You need an existing wall.
Process: Creating a Basic Tear Drop
1. Select Insert | Swept Walls | Tear Drop to display the Tear Drop Definition dialog.
2. Select Basic from the list.
3. Pick the edges to act as a spine for the flange.
4. If necessary, click Tangency Propagation to include all tangent edges.
5. Enter a value in the Radius text box or click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
6. Enter a value in the Length text box or click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
7. Click OK to create the tear drop.
Process: Creating a Relimited Tear Drop
1. Select Insert | Swept Walls | Tear Drop to display the Tear Drop Definition dialog.
2. Select Relimited from the Tear Drop type menu. The dialog redisplays showing more options.
3. Pick the edges to act as a Spine for the flange. CATIA displays the number of edges in the dialog.
4. If necessary, click Tangency Propagation to include all tangent edges.
5. Click in the Limit 1 text box and pick the first limiting element in the Graphics window.
6. Click in the Limit 2 text box and pick the second limiting element in the Graphics window.
7. Enter a value in the Radius text box or click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
8. Enter a value in the Length text box or click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
9. Click OK to create the tear drop.
Basic Tear Drop
Creates the hem along the entire length of the edges picked in the Graphics window.
Relimited Tear Drop
Creates the tear drop along a certain length of the edges picked in the Graphics window. The limiting elements you pick govern the length.
Displays the number and type of geometry picked for the tear drop in the dialog.
Tangency Propagation
Allows you to propagate along the picked edge and include any tangent edges for the tear drop rather than picking each edge separately.
Limit 1
Allows you to pick the first element in the Graphics window that stops the tear drop.
Limit 2
Allows you to pick the second element in the Graphics window that stops the tear drop.
Defines the radius value for the tear drop.
Defines the length value for the tear drop.
Expands the dialog to see other options.
K Factor
Allows you to change the K factor for the tear drop. The value is set by default using the value specified in the Sheet Metal parameters. You can enter a different value by right-clicking in the text box, selecting Formula | Deactivate, and typing in a new value.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the more common applications for Tear Drop?
A: This option is used mostly for decorative edges and round openings into which rounded shafts slide.